Use our calculator to learn how to choose the detox product that best fits your needs:
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As Featured In

Stop Worrying and Start Cleansing

Don't stress about your test. We understand how important this purchase is for you. That’s why we have been focused on formulating detox products that actually work for the last 20 years.

Industry Leader in
Detox since 2000

Free Shipping on all
US Ground orders

100% Satisfaction
or your money back

Industry leader in Detox since 2000

Free Shipping on all US Ground orders

100% Satisfaction or your money back

COMPARE OUR CLEANSES To select the best same day detox for your needs, please read all the answers listed below. Choose the product which has the most answers that describe your current situation. If in doubt between two products, we recommend choosing the stronger cleanser for best results.
Price* Price*
Cleanse Cleanse
Time to Cleanse Time to Cleanse
Cleanse EffectsCleanse Effects
Same Day Cleanse
$50 - $90 $50 - $90
Urine Urine
Need Same-Day Results Need Same-Day Results
Clean for Up to 6 Hours Clean for Up to 6 Hours
Permanent Cleanse
$110 - $150 $110 - $150
Urine, BloodUrine, Blood
Have 5 or 10 Days Before Test Have 5 or 10 Days Before Test
Permanently Clean Permanently Clean
Total Body Cleanse
$180 - $220 $180 - $220
Urine, Blood, Hair Urine, Blood, Hair
Have 5 or 10 Days Before TestHave 5 or 10 Days Before Test
Permanently Clean Permanently Clean
Cleansing Shampoo
$100 - $220 $100 - $220
Hair Hair
Need Same-Day Results Need Same-Day Results
Clean for Up to 24 Hours Clean for Up to 24 Hours
Home Testing Kits
$20 - $25 $20 - $25
Urine Urine

*Prices have been rounded to the nearest dollar

Our All-Time Best Seller


Our industry renowned 5 Day Extreme Detoxification Program has helped over 250,000 people cleanse their bodies of unwanted toxins fast.

  • Removes all toxins permanently
  • 2 FREE Home Testing Kits
  • Detailed Detox Guide & Meal Plan
  • Cleansing Coach to make sure you pass


Our industry renowned 5 Day Extreme Detoxification Program has helped over 250,000 people cleanse their bodies of unwanted toxins fast.

FREE SHIPPING available on all US Ground orders!

Need it faster? Select Next Day Air at checkout.

See our Shipping Policy for more information.

  • Secure Checkout
  • 100% Guarantee
  • Credit Cards Accepted
  • Made in the USA
  • GMP Certified

See what others have to say:


5 day detox worked for me. I can not thank you enough! thanks for being there, and thank you for a GREAT product!!!!!! – John


The Extreme cleanse was a total lifesaver! I was clean after 5 days and lost 3 pounds! – Tyler

Our Most Popular


This is our most thorough cleansing program designed for people that have had a DAILY exposure to toxins. All toxins are removed permanently with this 10-day detox program.

  • Removes all toxins permanently
  • 3 FREE Home Testing Kits
  • Detailed Detox Guide & Meal Plan
  • Cleansing Coach to make sure you pass


This is our most thorough cleansing program designed for people that have had a DAILY exposure to toxins. All toxins are removed permanently with this 10-day detox program.

FREE SHIPPING available on all US Ground orders!

Need it faster? Select Next Day Air at checkout.

See our Shipping Policy for more information.

  • Secure Checkout
  • 100% Guarantee
  • Credit Cards Accepted
  • Made in the USA
  • GMP Certified

See what others have to say:


I got the 10 day detox because I weigh 265 pounds. I used my first home test kit after day 7 just to see and was not clean but on day 10 when I tested again I was clean!! Oh and I lost almost 5 pounds on the diet. Thanks Again – John


This product is great! I use the permanent cleanse twice a year to give my body an oil change! I ordered the 10 day cleanse; usually I do 5 days but this time I needed more. After 6 days of flushing myself, I lost 10 pounds and my system went back to normal. – Ondra

For Extreme Exposure


Daily users that want to take absolutely no chance whatsoever and know their toxin levels are high always choose our Fail Safe Kit. Products take effect in 60 minutes and lasts for 6 hours.

  • Works in 90 minutes to flush your system
  • Heavy to Extreme (Daily) Exposure
  • Clean result lasts for up to 6 hours
  • Cleansing Coach to make sure you pass


Daily users that want to take absolutely no chance whatsoever and know their toxin levels are high always choose our Fail Safe Kit. Products take effect in 60 minutes and lasts for 6 hours.

FREE SHIPPING available on all US Ground orders!

Need it faster? Select Next Day Air at checkout.

See our Shipping Policy for more information.

  • Secure Checkout
  • 100% Guarantee
  • Credit Cards Accepted
  • Made in the USA
  • GMP Certified

See what others have to say:


I was skeptical, but I bought your product, followed the directions, I PASSED. Highly recommended for emergency situations. Thank you! – Robert


I used this product today and it worked perfectly. Thanks, I’ll recommend it. – Drew

For Single Day Cleanse


Clean Shot is an easy to take liquid concentrate solution packed into a powerful 2.5 oz drink and capsule combo that is a fast and effective way to remove toxins from your body.

  • Works in 90 minutes to flush your system
  • Clean result lasts for up to 6 hours
  • Cleansing Coach to make sure you pass
  • Easy to drink 2.5 oz shot


Clean Shot is an easy to take liquid concentrate solution packed into a powerful 2.5 oz drink and capsule combo that is a fast and effective way to remove toxins from your body.

FREE SHIPPING available on all US Ground orders!

Need it faster? Select Next Day Air at checkout.

See our Shipping Policy for more information.

  • Secure Checkout
  • 100% Guarantee
  • Credit Cards Accepted
  • Made in the USA
  • GMP Certified

See what others have to say:


I’ve used these products for years. I haven’t had a problem. Permanent programs work if you have time to do it. Same day cleansers I keep on hand for backup just in case. – James


I used it and it worked for me! Thanks! – Amy


Use our calculator to learn how to choose the detox product that best fits your needs: